Barpa NT Response to the Recent Bushfires
February 11, 2020
The recent bushfires have had a devastating effect on many Australians.
In keeping with our Company values of RESPECT, Barpa NT Site Manager Ben Pahl took the initiative and supported by Jade McGowan and Ben Collette from our NT Barpa team organised a raffle to raise funds for the NSW Rural Fire Service and the families of Samuel McPaul, Geoffrey Keaton and Andrew O’Dwyer who were killed in the line of duty.
Barpa and Icon NT team members jumped on board, contacting subcontractors for their support. More than 15 of our valued subbies donated a range of prizes with Barpa management committing to match every dollar raised.
The team sold 389 tickets and on Friday 7th February the Barpa and Icon NT teams organised a BBQ, inviting all of their subcontractors to the raffle draw.
A total of $3,890 was raised through the raffle which was a fantastic effort. With Barpa Management’s “dollar for dollar” contribution, the total soared to $7,780
The monies raised will be distributed between the following funds:
– CFA Brigades Donations Fund
– Country Fire Authority Public Fund
– NSW Rural Fire Service – funds to be distributed to Samuel’s wife, Megan to provide for their baby’s future.
– NSW Rural Fire Service – funds to be distributed equally between spouses of Geoffrey and Andrew.
Heartfelt thanks to the NT Barpa and Icon teams and our subcontractors for their generous support.