Workers Accommodation Village
Client: Lendlease
Northern Territory
Project: Workers Accomodation Village
Completion Date: March 2022
Completion Time: 18 Months
Value: $19.5m
The project is located approximately 15kms south of Katherine, which involved the expansion of the existing Workers Accommodation Village by a further 100 beds (now total of 250 beds) including associated covered walkways, laundry, kitchen, store, cold freezer rooms, linen and gymnasium as well as construction of a new bus drop off / pick up bay, perimeter fence and emergency vehicle path.
Barpa was responsible for the design, supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and certification of the accommodation units and completed all the associated engineering services (including electrical, hydraulics, mechanical and fire), civil works, foundations, hardstand areas, roadworks, paths and landscaping.
As always Indigenous engagement was a big focus of our project team; throughout the project Barpa directly employed two Indigenous staff and through engaging Indigenous businesses achieved an overall Indigenous workforce percentage of 12.5%. The team also achieved 4.35% Indigenous spend with 12 Indigenous subcontractors and suppliers engaged on the project.